Our Story
We are creating an entirely new enterprise and developing our own systems that best suit our Billies and our Ethos
— Lizzie Dyer

This is something I have wanted to embark on for some time, and bleated about it (excuse the pun) to all who would listen. Finally, it has become a reality!
I was brought up on a traditional mixed farm in Kenn, North Somerset, farming is in the blood! My dad milked 150 Friesian cows; consequently, I have always been aware of the dilemma over the fate of the male counterpart from a dairy enterprise. This paired with a long-established interest in goats which stemmed from my travels abroad, particularly in India, has lead me to here…
It was through just such contacts that lead me to find Dartland Farm owned by Jamie Beard. I am not entirely sure Jamie knew what he had let himself in for when I arrived, but I can say there has never been a dull moment since!
Although farming was not my first career I decided in 2011 to start an Agricultural Business degree at the Royal Agricultural University which brought me to Gloucestershire. During my degree, I was able to meet some fantastic local farmers who have become friends and gave me the confidence and contacts to establish Just Kidding here.
Jamie and I now run Just Kidding together and have made Dartland farm far more than a business, it is now our home.
Jamie’s background in catering and in particular outside catering is invaluable. It also is very refreshing to work with a ‘non-farmer’ as you can view things with a different perspective!
There is no blueprint in the UK for Kid Meat production. We are creating an entirely new enterprise and developing our own systems that best suit our Billies and our ethos and look forward to exciting times as our future unfolds.
I hope you will follow us here, or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and become part of our journey to put British Kid Meat firmly on the menu.
Our Kids
Our Billy Kids are raised without compromise, a once overlooked by-product is at last allowed to take centre stage #powertothebillykid
— Lizzie Dyer

The interest in Goat’s milk in the UK is growing and the number of nannies (female goats) being milked has increased dramatically. Currently, the view of the Billy Kids is a waste by-product with little or no value or use. There is simply no established market or demand for the meat. The female Kids are kept for milking but, the male offspring are often dispatched at birth.
In order for the Billy Kid not to continue to be viewed in this way, they must be seen as an asset in their own right and be given a value. I was once told a very simple saying ‘everything that is born is dead’ and we are not changing the ultimate fate of the Billy Kid but we are giving them a purpose and a use by providing a sustainable source of red meat.
All the Billies that we raise on the farm arrive from one High Health Status dairy farm. We try and keep them as naturally as possible, reared on grass outside wherever possible.
They are not routinely treated for anything and for most the only medication administered will be a vaccine. Our view is prevention is better than cure!
Goats, in general, are rather mischievous and very inquisitive but Kids are even worse so they simply love playing and getting into trouble. We give them plenty to climb on and play with and try to keep them from getting bored!
Our Farm
Our meat is Farm to Plate and the journey along the way is here for you to be a part of
— Lizzie Dyer

Keep things simple…. It may not seem like we are achieving that, but, in essence, it is what we are trying to do!! Jamie has created a fantastic farm from scratch at Dartland Farm – not something easily accomplished, as most farms have been standing for generations. It is always quite a responsibility to develop farmland but Jamie has done this with thought and care. Native hedges have been planted and nurtured on the farm and over 500 trees have been planted. We want to farm with the environment we are so fortunate to live in, not against it, but we are not a nature reserve we are a working farm. Sustainability is becoming a very widely used word, the Oxford Dictionary defines it as “keeping something going continuously” – that is what we aim to do here – farm in a way that is sustainable for future generations. We want Dartland Farm to be as productive in the future, as it is now, so we will rear our Kids to that end.
Back to the golden word – ‘simple’ – rain falls from the sky so why not collect and store that water and reuse – simple! This way… we are nearly self-sufficient in water, we only need fresh water to mix the milk.
The sun shines so why not use it to power our electric fences….. Grass grows, Kids eat it and grow, so let’s use it!!! In the winter when the grass is not as productive we use a blend of feed (Jamie helpfully describes it as Muesli!) that is grown just 10 miles from the farm, no GM, no Soya just a mix of cereals that can be grown here in the UK now and into the future.
If you collect an order from the Farm we will be pleased to show you around the farm and we also run various Courses and Open Days, take a look at our Events for more information and get involved!
Our Meat
Our Kid Meat is fully traceable – we really are farm to fork – all the meat we sell has been raised by us
— Lizzie Dyer

The problem with talking about our Kid Meat as a by-product is that the connotation might be that it is the lesser product. This could not be further from the truth and we like to think we blow that conception out of the water! You don’t even need to take our word for it…. Our meat has been awarded a Gold Star in the prestigious Great Taste Awards every year entered!
Red meat has been under scrutiny recently and rightly so. We all have to think differently about how and what we eat. It would be no good to us if everyone became a vegetarian but we do believe in eating less meat and better quality. We all need to think about how all our food is produced and not just the meat.
Our meat is reared to be sustainable, the source the Billy Kid is a by-product and our farming practices embrace a low impact ethos. Kid and Goat meat is highly nutritious and so in short Kid meat ticks all the boxes!!
We use a local family-run abattoir, Broomhall, and all our butchery is now undertaken by the artisan butchers at Woodchester Meats. Every process is local and personally managed.
Our Skins & Furniture
Through the use of our Skins we support British Tanneries and Highly Skilled Craftspeople
— Lizzie Dyer

In keeping with not wasting anything, we use the Skins from our Billy Kids to produce a truly bespoke and beautiful product. The tanning industry in this country used to be vast but now the number of tanneries is down to single figures. It is cheaper to send our tanning needs oversees where the rules and restrictions on the chemicals used are not enforced. This is not only morally wrong but the final product is inferior to the quality finish found from our own British tanneries. All our skins are either tanned Organically by Nicki Port or conventionally by Devonia. If we do not support our British crafts their knowledge and expertise will disappear forever.
Often people fear that the skins will shed hairs, this only happens if the skin in question has been taken when the animal was moulting its winter coat. We do not use any skins during the moulting months and so our skins will not lose their hair!
The skins are fantastic as small rugs, throws and wall hangings but we also make cushions with them and use them to upholster furniture – another versatile product from the Billy Kid.
Our Partner Charity
For every event we host on the farm, we donate to our partner charity Kids for Kids.
Kids for Kids transforms the lives of children living in unimaginable poverty in the rural, isolated region of western Sudan: Darfur. In over 900 remote villages of Darfur, people struggle to survive.
Kids for Kids is transforming lives through a unique package of integrated grassroots projects tailored specifically to each village and identified by the people themselves as being the most effective way to change their lives long term.